Playing a Role (in a Party)

Roleplaying is one of the most important parts of an RPG, particularly those of the tabletop variety. At its core, tabletop RPGs are about putting yourself into a role and determining what decision your character would make in a given situation. Although the topic of roleplaying is incredibly important and is something I will likely discuss in-depth in a future […]

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Idle Rolling: Lothar, The Hand of God (3.X/PF)

I’ve mentioned in a couple of places on this site that I’m primarily a D&D 3.5/Pathfinder fiend. I’ve played and GM’d other editions and other games on occasion, such as 5e and Savage Worlds, but I seem to always come back to Pathfinder. I think one of the main reasons for that is the fact that 3.5e, and Pathfinder in […]

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